Do your kids trigger you?As a parent, your children’s behaviours can provoke strong feelings or…

Podcasts are the latest craze when it comes to inspiring and uplifting information that can be delivered to us fast, while we are carrying on with our busy everyday lives. I really love podcasts for this exact reason, I can be cleaning or doing emails and listening to inspirational women and topics at the same time! Whether your after advice on changing habits or want to learn how to live your best life- these are for you! One thing I really enjoy is listen to one episode of one of the following top podcasts every morning to keep me feeling motivated for the day! So if you’re new to podcasts here are my top faves for the everyday woman in 2020!

Rise and Conquer: This podcast is for the everyday woman who wants to take charge of their lives, live with intention, create good habits and be unapologetically themselves. Georgie Stevenson talks about a range of topics from health, fitness, self-care, relationships, mental health and finding your purpose. I really think anyone would benefit from this podcast! I especially love her solo podcasts to listen to in the morning while I’m making the kids breakfast! I’m also super excited for the podcast episode that I’ll be a guest on with Georgie coming out this season!

Dear Mama Project: This is a must listen for any mother out there. Nikki McCahon begun this amazing podcast after she felt there just wasn’t enough support out there for modern day mamas. From losing your identity, sex after baby, post natal depression & anxiety, self-care as a mother, friendship, anger, surviving hard days and just navigating yourself through life as a mother. This podcast gives you practical tools to develop not only as a person but as a mum. An amazing raw and real podcast. I was also fortunate enough to be a guest on one of her episodes where we spoke about my experience with motherhood, social anxiety, drinking culture also PND and postpartum recovery. You can listen to this episode here.

The Health Code: Now of course as a Sarah’s Day fan I just love The Health Code Podcast, but not only because of the gorgeous Sarah. This Podcast really dives into topics such as health, fitness, lifestyle, relationships, building your dream career with a few hard truth bombs in there too. Sarah and her partner Kurt talk about confidence, healthy hacks, motivation, what boys are really thinking and tips on productivity. One reason I really love this podcast is because Sarah and Kurt love to have a laugh. They love to make a joke which reminds me a lot of Ryan and I!

Crappy to Happy: If you’re looking for an inspiring podcast that is warm, authentic and focuses on feeling low in mood, energy, motivation and WHY, then Crappy to Happy is a must! Cass Dunn, clinical psychologist, chats to guests and helps to discover the practical, physiological, physical and emotional ways to help overcome personal barriers to lead a more fulfilling life! I have also read Cass’s books which are also titled “Crappy to Happy” and love them! Some of my fave episodes were “Not Giving a Fuck with Mark Manson” and “Changing Habits-the motivation myth” just to name a couple!

The Melissa Ambrosini Show: I’m a massive believer that with the right mindset anything is possible! Melissa Ambrosini and her guests prove just that! Exploring topics in health, wellbeing and lifestyle, Melissa is real and relatable and will leave you feeling motivated to find your higher self. From healthy habits to mindfulness, mastering routines and your mind- this is a must listen. I also have read her book “Mastering your Inner Mean Girl” which is also a go-to read for anyone dealing with their inner negative nancy.

United in Motherhood with Zoe Young: As a Mama this podcast is a must! Raw, honest and empowering the gorgeous Zoe Young is down-to-earth as she talks all things motherhood. She provides a safe space to share and listen to the stories of amazing women. These conversations we get to listen to are really inspiring but also open us up to the many struggles women are facing everyday; from infertility, adversity and just mum life in general. I was fortunate enough to be interviewed by Zoey on her Youtube series United In Motherhood which you can watch here.

The Abundance Hub: This podcast is what I like go call a friendly bitch slap with love! Jess Schrembi who is so relatable touches on many topics that we sometimes don’t want to face. But she gives up practical advice and tools on how to manifest the life you want and how to create habits to create that dream life. From our ego, feeling jealous or overwhelmed, meditation, what true success is, running a business and there are so many “AHA!” moments throughout every episode. This is a must listen for those who want to live their best lives as their best selves and like a couple of f-bombs thrown in!

Ashy Bines – Raw and Real: There’s not many ladies out there that don’t recognise the name Ashy Bines! Dedicated to empowering and supporting all women, Ashy’s podcast talks about all things lifestyle, fitness, wellbeing, relationships, mental health. In one episode Ashy opened up about her upbringing and past and why she is the way she is now. Some of my favourite episodes are when she chats with Lisa Messenger and they talk all things boundaries and getting comfortable with feeling uncomfortable. So many eye opening moments throughout these chats!

You Can by Emily Skye: A podcast that discusses a broad range of topics from health, wellbeing, lifestyle, business, relationships, beauty, mum-life and social media – and by the lovely Emily Skye. Easy to listen to, Emily gives a behind the scenes look to business and social media life as a mama. As many of you would know Emily is a Aussie mum who has been in the fitness industry for many years. I really enjoy her chats because of how down to earth and relatable she is! As a person who works in social media I really appreciated her episodes on the dark side of social media and how she deals with the hate that she receives. You can listen to that episode here.

Goal Digger: Jenna Kutcher– If you’re after something more business related, the Goal Digger podcast is super practical and motivational! Jenna Kutcher shares clever tips and hacks to keep you accountable, formulate strategies and kick those goals. One of the reasons I personally love this podcast is because it gives such practical advice to help grow my own business, and she chats with the top individuals of each industry to get their best advice. She also has tonnes of productivity tips which I’ve implemented also! A must for the boss babes out there!

Mums with Hustle: Now, I’m a huge fan of the lovely Tracy Harris! Perfect for working and business mamas, Tracy has a wealth of knowledge and tips to turn your online dream business into reality. Easy to listen to and featuring motivating stories from a community of boss women all killing it in their industry. Tracey is the Instagram queen when it comes to marketing your own business!

Shameless: If you love something more light-hearted and more conversational then you’ll love Shameless! A pop culture related podcast that feels like a conversation with the girls and they will definitely have you laughing. This is one I love to listen to on long drives and when I really just want to switch off.

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