My Social Anxiety
When people meet me they assume I'm fairly confident and social but deep down I'm freaking the fuck out. Play dates, coffee catch ups ... you name it I avoid it. Do I want to isolate myself .. of course…
When people meet me they assume I'm fairly confident and social but deep down I'm freaking the fuck out. Play dates, coffee catch ups ... you name it I avoid it. Do I want to isolate myself .. of course…
We now live in a world where to feel "worth" and acceptance means a "like" or a follow on Instagram. To feel validated means a comment on a photo rather than a compliment in person. We constantly compare ourselves…
I don’t usually accept invites out to lunches or coffee dates…I am terrified I will bore the person I’m having coffee with. Am I going to interesting enough? What will I talk about? What if they hate me? So most of…
Yep I am having one of 'those' days. You know those days when you wake up and everything is just hard and overwhelming. Bub's unsettled, theres bills pilled up to our eyeballs, you don't have one clean pair of knickers…
Holy shit….pretty much sums up last year but not in a bad way. 2016 honestly was the best and most challenging year of my life. The year I became a mother, the year I birthed another human being, the year I…