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Top books you need to read for personal development and implementing habits that will ultimately change your life! From learning to look at the world differently, how to handle your inner critic and creating better habits for a better life- here are the books that you must read!

Crappy to Happy By Cass Dunn

You may be familiar with Cass Dunn, a psychologist who also has an amazing podcast also titled “Crappy to Happy”. This is ultimately an extension of this bundled up into am amazing book! Cass speaks about everyone is able to attain happiness but it looks different for every individual. It also focuses on the fact that happiness is in the journey and not the ultimate destination or goal! I live my life largely like this! Click here to check out this book.
The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck By Mark Manson

This has to be one of my favourite personal development reads. It’s not only brutally honest and refreshing ,but I had so many “aha” moments. Mark makes a good point that as humans we are so obsessed with trying to be happy all the time that we aren’t actually living! And that it’s not possible to be happy 24/7 and that’s ok. He also talks about how as human we only have so many “fucks” we can give, so use them wisely. So basically, only give a fuck about what’s truly important… not what Karen at the office thinks of your outfit. A must read for anyone who gives too many fucks, and keeps trying to chase their tail to find “happiness”. Click here to check out this book.
Mastering Your Inner Mean Girl By Melissa Ambrosini

This book is all about mastering that inner critic that inside our head telling us that we aren’t good enough. Melissa speaks about how we can overcome our own limiting beliefs and start picturing and living the best life we want to lead! This book is going to stop you repeating those negative narratives about ourselves and start living! Click here to check out this book.
Girl, Stop Apologising by Rachel Hollis

Every woman should read this book! This book is all about going after your goals and being unapologetically yourself. If you are ready to get rid of the excuses, own who you are and get a pep talk this is the book for you! I loved this book because it helps you see how you tackle your goals in a whole new light and helps you actually plan how to get there! Rachel breaks it down into “Guideposts” and “Milemakers”; this really helps you not feel so overwhelmed with where to start and the steps to take. I will definitely be reading her other book “Girl Wash your Face”. Click here to check out this book.
High Performance Habits by Brendan Burchard

This book is by the highest paid performance coach Brendan Burchard. He focuses on 6 habits that can create success in anyone’s life whether that be in confidence, career, gain clarity, productivity and in everyday life in general. One reason I love this book is because it gives you practical daily exercises that are thought provoking and you can do in the real world! These habits ensure long term success and definitely worth a read if you would like to excel in your life! I really liked this book because it can relate to many areas in your life that you want to improve. Click here to check out this book.
The Miracle Morning By Hal Elrod

This is the book I read when I first implemented my current morning routine; waking up an hour earlier than the kids, meditating, journaling and just starting the day in my own terms. This book has changed many people’s lives and the way they start their day. The Morning Miracle speaks about the world’s most successful people are their morning routine, which you will see they are all very similar. The Morning Miracle is based on completing certain tasks each morning to set you up for an amazing day. These tasks are known as SAVERS which stands for

Scribing means to journal or write. If you are someone who wants to create a new morning routine and get the most out of your day I highly recommend reading this book! Click here to check out this book.
There are my top 6 books for personal development and changing your habits! Each brings new ideas and thoughts on how we can reach our goals, be kinder to ourselves and be unapologetically ourselves!

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