My top Ikea + Kmart Picks to Organise Your Kitchen! Yep, that's the face of…

The IKEA Must-Have products that will make your home organised and tidy! This is one of the most common questions I get daily; what do I recommend from IKEA to get some order in your home. All labels I get are from the one and only Little Label Co (STEPH10 for a discount).
Here is my holy grail list of IKEA items I use and love!

These babies obviously are number one on my list! I use the VARIERA tubs to organise and store pretty much everything; pantry, laundry, bathroom etc

There are a couple of different sizes, I mostly use the larger tub for most areas and the smaller size for products that don’t need as much storage such as contacts, face products etc

When it comes to your linen closet you really want to make sure you get tubs that are big enough. The DRONA tubs are such a good size and would also work well for toy storage (if you have shelves big enough to fit them). They keep their shape and are covered in a cotton fabric, which makes them appealing for any space! To label these, I got the labelled acrylic tags from Little Label Co, and simply used a hot glue gun to stick them on!

Now I bet you haven’t really considered using a wine rack to store all the kids drink bottles? Storing drinks and kids bottles can take up a lot of space so why not use a wine rack to line them up neatly! I love the timber look on the HUTTEN wine rack. This way you can keep them nice and tidy, not to mention you can clearly see them all! And of course you could always get one for your wine stash!

I love seeing you all decant your laundry powders like I have here. But if the bottle you are using has a narrow opening you won’t be able to fit your hand in there to scoop out the correct amount. The SINNERLIG jar at IKEA is the perfect size for it! The opening is super wide making it perfect to keep a nice wooden scoop in there! Can you say laundry goals?!

I LOVE the SOCKERBAIT series! They have a couple of different sizes and are a clean white tub- perfect to hide the contents! I use these tubs for the bulk of the kids toys and then rotate them into the main cubes we have in the lounge room which the kids can access to play with. These are kept in the top of the girls wardrobe and only taken out to rotate the next lot of toys. I use the smaller SOCKERBAIT tubs to store the kids craft items such as pip cleaners, feathers, paint, playdough etc. These would also be awesome for garage storage.

Clothes can be the hardest to organise, especially kids and baby clothes! I love using the SKUBBS organisers for the girls clothes and also for my socks/undies drawer! It keeps everything in their own compartment. I use the Konmari fold for all our clothes too which means I can always clearly see each item of clothing. The SKUBBS range is quite extensive so I’m sure you will find exactly what you need!

The SKUBBS shoe boxes are also perfect to keep your shoes accessible but tidy! There is nothing worse then seeing a pile of shoes thrown in the bottom of your wardrobe!

Now I have to say I may have squealed a little when I came across the KOMPLEMENTS jewellery trays. Not only does it make you realise how much jewellery you have, but they nailed the colour too! Usually jewellery is all shoved into a jewellery box and thats when everything gets tangled, and lets be honest who could be bothered to sit there untangle jewellery. The KOMPLEMENTS trays come in a full tray configuration or you can buy the compartments separately to create your own!
I hope this IKEA Must-Haves for home organisation has helped! Please feel free to comment if you have any favourite IKEA products because there is so many amazing items in that place! I will be doing a Kmart Must-Haves blog shortly too so keep an eye out!

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